Pepper Spray – Which is Best – Stream or Fog Spray Pattern?

December 22nd, 2018

Should I get Stream pattern or Fog pattern? This is one of the most common RedHotPepperSpray questions we receive from pepper spray purchasers.

Choosing whether to buy a stream or fog pepper spray product is an important decision that is dependent upon your needs.

There is no simple answer whether an individual should buy a stream or cone fog pepper spray pattern. In general, we highly recommend civilians to buy pepper spray with a fog (also known as cone fog) pattern due to one’s accuracy not needing to be pinpoint as well as fog pattern’s ability to spray multiple assailants at one time.

The reasons are pretty clear –

1. Generally, a civilian does not use pepper spray that often. As a result, when the time comes to use it, often times they get nervous. As a result, fog pattern works best as the user does not need to worry about accuracy too much. They just need to spray in the direction of the attacker and generally with a high quality pepper spray like Fox Labs, SABRE RED or Def-Tec they will score a direct hit.

2. For a situation in which there are multiple assailants, a civilian that this is not well trained will find it hard to score a direct hit if they are using a stream pattern. Fog pattern works best in this scenario.

We hope that this video has been helpful for you.

Duration : 0:1:32

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What works betters, pepper spray gel or regular pepper spray?

August 8th, 2013

Im about 15 and am looking for a self defense method, and pepper spray seemed the way to go. What is the best product? I was looking at Mace brand pepper spray gel, but want to know if there is better product. For the record, I have never had any self defense classes and do not have a working cell phone.

Depends on what you want. There is a pepper spray that you can spray on the persons body, i.e. hand, legs, anything, and it will burn. And there’s one you can only spray in the eyes, and it will burn. I know the one you spray on the body isnt actually called pepper spray, its something else. But you can try that or if you really want something neat or someone that will scare someone, you can get a stun gun. Its not a tazer, but it gives a little shock and will probably scare most people because they think its a tazer. There are a lot of options that you can look at. Just find one that suits you best.

Pepper Spray Defense

July 8th, 2013 – pepper self defense,self defense products,self defense pepper spray,self defense weapons,self defense,self defense items,pepper spray self defense,self defense spray,self defense devices,non lethal self defense weapons,self defense products for women,self defense equipment,best pepper spray for self defense,non lethal self defense,self defense tools,self defense guns,personal self defense,self defense weapons for women,pepper spray self defence,wholesale self defense products

Duration : 0:4:8

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Mace® Pepper Gun Commercial –

November 25th, 2012

Mace Security International is proud to introduce a revolutionary self defense product, the new Mace® Pepper Gun™. The new Mace Pepper Gun is the most accurate defense pepper spray available. The super strength pepper spray formula is contained in a disposable cartridge that can be replaced when empty. The cartridge utilizes an advanced delivery system, Bag-In-A-Can™ technology, that allows you to spray a constant stream, reaching up to 25 feet, from any angle! The trigger activated LED light helps you to accurately aim the Pepper Gun in the dark and momentarily distracts the attacker. The self defense unit includes a 28 gram OC Pepper cartridge, a water test cartridge (practice makes perfect), and batteries for LED light operation. Please visit for more information.

Duration : 0:1:1

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September 7th, 2012

Pepper spray is one of the many great options when it comes to non lethal self defense.

Why buy pepper spray for personal protection – Kimber PepperBlaster II –

January 9th, 2012

Why give your loved one a PepperBlaster? Because you can’t always be by their side. Because you don’t like to worry. But the most important reason is because PepperBlaster works. PepperBlaster is the most advanced pepper technology, and will stop threats at a distance in a way old-school aerosol pepper sprays can’t match. PepperBlaster. Because you care.

Duration : 0:0:54

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Safe Measures For College Campus Crimes

July 18th, 2011

I am sure you have heard a lot about crime on college campuses that are getting quite prevalent. Gone are the days when school was safe. Even the elementary and high school public systems are included in this barrage of crimes taking place in the American society.

College campuses are experiencing rapes, which usually tend to be rapes committed by an acquaintance. A woman should always protect herself against such crimes, but most women do not because they trust the individual that they are dating. Avoid going out alone. Go out in group dates, if possible. A woman should also equip herself with self defense tools such as a mace pepper spray gun or the triple action mace for added protection.

The Triple Action Mace will give the female college student three times the protection. It contains a combination of OC Pepper, CN Tear Gas and a light seasoning of UV Marking Dye. The mace pepper spray gun sprays like an aerosol continually from any angle, even when it is held upside down. A woman can spray 7 blasts up to 25 feet.

College female students should be very careful to get to know their male companions well and try to stay in group situations as much as possible. Avoid areas that are deserted or deserted parking lots. Avoid drinking too much so that you can keep a clear head. The Journal of Studies done on alcohol consumption indicates that more than 70,000 students are victims of alcohol related date rapes and this is a startling statics that proves how important it is for students to take safety precautions.

Let someone know that you are going on a date, with whom, where and what time you plan to get back to your dorm. When walking around college campus after hours, walk in groups, in a well-lit area and in well-patrolled areas. Never walk alone if you do not have to and make sure that you or your other college companions have the proper self defense devices to give you added security.

Select one or more self defense tools such as pepper sprays, stun guns, or personal alarms. Be sure that you know how to use these tools and commit yourself to using them if you encounter a dangerous situation. You will enjoy more peace of mind if you own one or more of these devices. Recommend it to your college roommates and friends so that they too, can be fully equipped in lieu of any danger.

Always have your car keys handy when walking to your vehicle. In your dorms, make sure no one else has your keys and be careful who you let into your dorm. If a key is stolen, be sure to report it immediately and have the locks changed right away.

You may even want to take drastic safety measures by applying the Cyber Eye digital surveillance camera to be able to track things going on around you. You may not be able to use this in your dorm, but you can mount it in your car, if you own a vehicle. The Cyber Eye digital is able to detect the presence of an intruder, and then spring into action. It records the image of the intruder and saves it to memory, so you can recover it whenever you want.

Be sure to report any suspicious activity happening around your dorm to police on campus or to the local police department, if you do not live on campus.

Steve Lane is a freelance writer of informational websites on personal self-defense and home security products including high tech surveillance. He is one of the leading writers on home security and personal self defense products in the country.

He started “Self Defense Shop” in 2004 to help people prevent crime in their lives. “Self Defense Shop” is an Internet business specializing in hard to find and unique self-defense and home security products that help people protect themselves, their family, home and business. His website includes self defense products like pepper sprays, stun guns, personal alarms, and self defense training DVDs.

His business is poised to meet the needs of security conscious consumers who want to protect their families, home and business in increasingly dangerous times with growing crime rates.

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Mace Pepper Gun Full Review and Demonstration

June 29th, 2011

A full review of the Mace Pepper Gun, a trigger activated OC spray. Includes a description of the unit’s operation and a demonstration of its use. The Mace Pepper Gun proves to be an effective pepper spray delivery system.

Duration : 0:6:19

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how good is pepper spray for self defense?

June 27th, 2011

1 being fists, and ten being a gun. We live in D.C so we can’t carry a firearm, and my mother and me are sometimes harassed, and I got robbed in daylight one time too. Enemies being typical street thug types. or any other non firearm self defense devices for protecting from multiple people attacking?

I give it a 4. It gives you a little range and some of the better ones are really potent but if somebody has been stalking/scouting you out, you would be in deep sh!t with a prepared opponent. By prepared I mean somebody wearing goggles and a dusk mask. So that means about $10 in a hardware store can give a mugger his edge on you.

Also, think of what happens when the pepper spray fails: back to 1 with fists. Having something a little more sturdy would probably be better. I would try a TAZER. D.C. is hot in the summer so nobody is going to be wearing a heavy coat to go mugging and heavy clothing is the biggest deterent of TAZERs. TAZERs also give you a little more range than pepper spray and it can’t blow back into your eyes. Once you hit somebody with a TAZER, you have 5 seconds to figure out what to do and you can always pull the trigger again and give the criminal another jolt. The thing is, you only have shot before you have to reload so if you miss (or another attacker moves in) you are back to 1 out of 10. They aren’t that expensive and will keep; I’m not sure if pepper spray cans lose pressure over time like fire extinguishers. Then again a TAZER’s battery also might go dead. Overall, I would give a TAZER a 6 out of 10.

I’m not sure if you are a big or well built guy but you might want to look into some kind of defensive fighting. You can never forget or break your weapon because your mind is your weapon. You could always get training in stick fighting and carry an Asp. An Asp is one of those collapsible steel baton things that cops carry. All you have to do is flick it and you would have the equivalent of a piece of rebar in your hand. A personal defense instructor would probably do a lot in helping you protect yourself even if you don’t want to fight back. They can teach you to be aware of your surroundings and other skills that could help you out a lot. It is just a suggestion though. If you don’t think you want to take risks fighting back then keep your credit cards and ID in your shoe and just hand over the cash. It is safer and probably what I would do. A brawl can turn against you very fast if there is more than one attacker. I would give defensive fighting a 5 out of 10.

Another thought is more of a passive defense in a ballistic vest (aka "bulletproof" vest). You could do all of the other things I suggested, or none, and still have an extra layer of protection. As long as you don’t advertise the fact that you are wearing one then you have a better chance to get away bruised but not dead. If your mugger sees your vest or is consistent about hurting you then you may just get beat up, throat cut or shot in the head (so in other words you can’t trust it to save you every time). It wouldn’t make you Superman because your sides aren’t protected by anything but fabric and bullets still break ribs when they are stopped. By the way, cops in my town wear a level II vest that can usually stop a .357 Magnum at rather close ranges so if you want to try it out I suggest you get something like that. Check around for what you like or decide it just isn’t for you, it isn’t my job to tell you what to do. Overall, I would give a ballistic vest a 9 out of 10. It won’t stop a truck, or a bullet to the head, but it will help a lot in most situations.

No matter what you decide to do, a gun is the best defense against a violent attacker so if you honestly feel your life is in danger walking down the street just steps from your house then it may be best to move out of D.C. A place that respects your right to defend yourself with lethal force is a place that values your life over the life of a criminal. If you are tied to your job it is ok to wait a while to move but every day you walk the streets is another day that you may see your family for the last time. You are in one of the most dangerous cities in the country and that is the truth of the matter.

Best of luck out there and stay safe.

Female college students need pepper gun 

June 25th, 2011

College students, especially female college students, need a pepper spray gun, or pepper spray of some other type for protection.

It’s a shame that our young daughters attending college these days can’t just go to class and study without worrying about being attacked, raped or worst while walking around college campus.

 Some good for nothing low life is lurking in the shadows waiting to do harm to a young innocent individual whos only interest is to further her dream of a college education to graduate and move on to a great career.  

They’re here at a college, happy to have been accepted and everything is going great, a dream come true. 

Some low life is just waiting to spoil her accomplishments now and for the future.

 Just imagine the truma of being attack and raped. Not something easy to get over  Not easy to get back to routine and may last for her entire life.

Perhaps a weapon of some sort could have prevented such a nasty thing from happening.  A fire arm perhaps.  probably not.   It’s not easy to shoot someone knowing you may kill them.

Pepper Spray is non lethal and very effective.