Archive for July 6th, 2022

Self defense pepper spray?

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

Me and my friend are bolth 14 years old. There is a man across the street from me that treatened to smash our faces in and beat us with a baseball bat. He threatened to hunt us down when we go out “we walk by his house to get to the market”.We ran across the street and he kept approaching us so we ran. By the way he has a 19 year old son who also says vulgar things to us. I told my dad. We think i should get mace or pepper spray just incase i get approached by the man,his son or sombody else.
Would it be a good idea to get that?

If the man and his son had threatened you with a baseball bat, it is ground for you to call in the authority.

It is better to call the police than to carry the spray.