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The Other 99 condemns hate speech and violent rhetoric directed at anyone in this video. We remain peaceful. We especially wish to thank all the brave NYPD officers who performed honorably this day. We refuse to allow the actions of a few to smear many.

The NYPD has fewer men and women on the streets than in 1992. Their budgets are slashed to 20 year lows. Overtime and pensions are under attack, deserved promotions are delayed because the dept cannot afford the salary increases. This is not justice and The Other 99 stands in solidarity with those who keep us safe, day and night. The NYPD is The Other 99, as well. We continue to peacefully occupy and fight for them…

While on a peaceful march near Union Square in downtown Manhattan, multiple female protestors were penned up in the street by orange mesh baricade, then maliciously maced.

The women were peaceful and unarmed. They were secured by barricade with an overwhelming police presence. And they were then sprayed directly in the face with pressurized mace…

WeAreTheOther99 continues to peacefully occupy Lower Manhattan to begin a dialogue with the Top 1% with the goal of a peaceful transition of power back to the People.

This can no longer be stopped. But be advised, this will not be televised…

Duration : 0:0:40

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